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Event Calendar


Läderach Flagship Store Tour

We still have a few spots for a Läderach Store Tour on Thursday, April 10th.  Please contact us either via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or telephone (212) 246-0655 to secure a spot.  It is first-come-first-serve!

Why Everyone Should Prepare Life-Planning Documents

Life planning issues affect everyone – but it’s particularly crucial to know how to protect the decision - making rights and options by planning in advance.  It is important to enable someone who can express your medical preferences to doctors on your behalf, take care of your financial, housing and other issues if you cannot do so, state your choice of guardian for minor children, and carry out your wishes regarding the inheritance of your property.  With no one appointed to uphold your choices, they could be made for you by someone you would never have chosen.

Learn more at the PSS Circle of Care Seminar

Wednesday, March 19th, 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM EDT
Register here now.

PSS Circle of Care is supported in part by grants from the New York State Department of Health and the U.S. Administration on Aging’s National Family Caregiver Support Program through the New York City Department for the Aging.

Our upcoming events in March and April
Please contact Elise Karras at 917-756-4480 to RSVP

Queens - Wednesday, March 19 at 2pm
We will meet at Martha’s Bakery on Austin Street in Forest Hills for coffee and cake.

Long Island - Thursday, March 20 at 2pm
We will meet Garden City at the Seventh Street Café for coffee and desserts.

Upper East Side - Wednesday, March 26 at 2pm
We will meet at Le Pain Quotidien at Third Avenue and 87th Street for coffee and cake.

New Jersey - Wednesday, April 2 at 1 pm
We will meet at the Cheesecake Factory in the Mall at Riverside in Hackensack for lunch, coffee and desserts.

Westchester- Wednesday, April 9 at 2 pm
(please note the new location)
We will meet for coffee and cake at the Village Social Kitchen, Main Street, Mount Kisco.

Upper West Side-Thursday, April 10 at 2pm
We will meet the Viand Café Broadway and 76th Street for coffee and desserts.

Queens - Wednesday, April 16 at 2pm
We will meet at Martha’s Bakery on Austin Street in Forest Hills for coffee and cake.

Long Island-Thursday, April 17 at 2pm
We will meet in Garden City at the Seventh Street Café for coffee and desserts.

Upper East Side - Wednesday, April 23 at 2pm
We will meet at Le Pain Quotidien at Third Avenue and 87th Street for coffee and cake.


Contact the SBS Office to RSVP and for more information:

T. 212-246-0655
E. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you would like to receive an update on our events by email, please let us know!